Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our 2010 sustainability goal

Peace & happy New Year. May your life be full of positive experiences & prosperity. We feel very prosperous with how our garden is. Even though there's constant battles with natures small garden nemesis like aphids and nematode and the large, havoc bearing garden enemies like raccoons & grub digging opossums, we still have much success. Sometimes when we're in the garden, our attention is only focused on what's not doing as well as it could. Sometimes we don't see how great the garden really is doing. When we look at photos of the garden, we're as stunned and impressed as anyone else would be seeing them for the first time.

Here we are in January and we are eating apples (of course little, but man, so good) some cherry tomatoes, still harvesting habaneros, eating the first of the snap peas right on the spot (they don't make out of the garden), so much lettuce & sorrel, and the kale... we really have food in our backyard. So we came up with the idea of emulating our eating as if we lived 100 miles from town. Eating will mean really depending on our garden. Buying mostly whole & bulk foods, nuts and items like olive oil, liquid aminos (stuff to prepare the food) from the store. We're only going to the store 1 day a month for food with $250. Everything else we eat is from the garden or trade. This month, we're only eating what we have left in the house. Even though it's the 4th of January, we started on the 1st. I wanted to break the concept down to you before we started logging in our progress. We will be taking daily accounts of the garden and how much time we're out there, what we harvest, and what/ how we eat.
Here we go, enjoy the tribulations.
From the studio, Bingwa

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