Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spring/Summer runner ups


All living in our bedroom :)

-- Post From the Field

Monday, January 25, 2010

"L.A. Sprouts" Launches this Friday!

I feel very privileged and honored to be leading the gardening portion of this remarkable pilot program. Click on images below to be able to read the details...

All is happy and wet around here...
~milli macen-moore

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Growing Grain

We're gonna grow some grain this year and found this video while researching, enjoy & be inspired.

This one is for you "B" :)

It was great to see you at Solano Community Garden this morning "B". Here's what we're doing in the garden... We're drawing our spring plan and will also be sowing more seeds indoors for spring/summer tomorrow.

We'll be sure to sow an extra brandywine for you :)

Milli, Eric & Scoopy :)

-- Post From the Field

Friday, January 22, 2010

Today's harvest and food.

A li'l rain won't stop me from harvesting :)

Picked today:
Purple kale
Various lettuce
French sorrel
Brocolli leaves
Cabbage leaves
Cauliflower leaves
Onion tops
Garlic tops

What I'm I preping today?

Going to make raw kale chips in the dehydrator. I'm also going to try to make raw cauliflower & broccoli chips. Hope those come out yummy :) if not I could use them in tonights veggie soup :)

Also, been rashining the flax seeds; will be making raw flax seed crackers with the above herbs.

For lunch & dinner big pot of veggie soup with a yummy side salad. Also in the soup will be a small amount of amaranth and green lentils (been rashining those too).

The pantry is looking very slim, folks! Question is, will we make it thru the 1st without feeling hungry??? Ayeeeeeee, not sure!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Settler's Venture: Day 18

The photos in the video:

1.) We're harvesting greens every two days.
2.) Making yummy kale chips every week. Still can't believe that children love them!
3.) Thanks to Warren & Lovejoy for graciously bartering with us. We've had some yummy dishes prepped with those limes, thanks guys!
4.) When you got flour make Indian Naan and beans!! Super delicious and simple.
5.) Still lots of greens in the garden.
6.) Got seeds? Grow sprouts to eat.
7.) Raw vegan apple pie.
8.) Homegrown organic apple.
9.) Thank you Milagro Allegro Garden! Community handed me tomatoes, peas and collards the day I was giving seedlings away. Funny coincidence, the community has no idea of our venture, talk about scoring at the right time. I was already convinced we were going to run out of food by the end of this week and would have to opt out of our venture.
10.) Garden keeps pumping 50% of what we eat!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hope you're catching some rain water!

So far we've gotten 2 inches of rain in North East Los Angeles :). That's a lot of rain in 24 hours for Los Angeles :)

-- Post From the Field

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Caring for your summer seedlings.

We're keeping our summer seedlings indoors (bedroom) till the nights warm up. After transplanting them into bigger containers, be sure to keep their soil moist and fertilize accordingly.

For those of you that follow the blog, we won't be making the same mistake as last year by growing 100 tomatoes in the bedroom! It was difficult finding homes for those li'l guys :(

Journal note:
Pix summer seedlings 1.17.10
Harding off beginning today.

Pix Feb. 2009
Bedroom greenhouse :) ayeeeeeee... Li'l crowded but still really nice to wake up and be amongst so much life ;)

Break over, back to the garden...

- Post From the Field

Great turnout at Seedling Giveaway!

Hola everyone and Happy Sunday morning :)

Yesterday's turnout was an awesome success! All winter seedlings and 95% of the summer seedlings have found homes (hint, hint, I still have about 40 early girl tomatoes and 50 parsley :) Calling all school gardens... I'm happy to drop these off.

Yes, folks I was giving thousands of seedlings away, all thanks to the Master Gardening Program and Master Gardener Mud Baron (mind you, may I add one of the coolest geekest Master Gardeners I've met yet :) Mud is awesome, he raises thousands of dollars for L.A. Unified Schools to have GARDENS!!!! YAY!!! The local growers love him so much that they will literally give him thousands of seedlings at one time! So that's how those seedlings got to you, even after I had set aside several seedlings for the children programs I'm leading. Google Mud Baron and check out his long history in giving back to the children and mother earth :)

Now a few pix...

Master Gardener Mud Baron

1.16.10 Seedling Giveaway Milagro Allegro Community Garden

It was a true pleasure talking to you in person Shatbox, you left me inspired...
Can't wait to cross paths with you again :)

Nicole Gatto Director of Milagro Allegro
Without her, there wouldn't be a garden.
We appreciate you Nicole!
(Nicole gray shirt on the right)

Going to go play outside all day, YAY!!! Have a great one...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Seedling Giveaway @ Milagro Allegro Community Garden!

There’s still time to transplant your favorite winter herbs and vegetables.

Please join me as I will be giving away herb, vegetable and flower seedlings this Saturday 1/16/10 from 2-4pm for community members at Milagro Allegro Community Garden. Also receive quick tips on how to transplant and care for your seedlings.

What will I be giving away?

Winter Vegetable Seedlings:
Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage Ruby Perfection
Cauliflower Violet Queen

Herb Seedlings:

Spring/Summer Vegetable Seedlings:
Eggplant Millionaire
Tomato Cherry Red
Early Girl Tomato
Pepper CA Wonder
Pepper Caribbean Red

Flower Seedlings:
Aquilegia Origami Blue & White
Aquilegia Origami Swan Violet & White
Aquilegia Origami Swan Red & White
Delphinium Blue Butterfly
Poppy Ice Champagne Classic
Shasta Daisy

Garden Location: 115 S. Ave 56, LA 90042
One block SE of Figueroa-Behind the Highland Theater
Info: www.hpgarden.org

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 5th 2010 - Tabbouleh

Parsley from the garden plus some other items makes a delicious dinner. Check out the video.

from the lab- Bingwa

Free organic veggie seedlings!

You read this blog? Cool, we have several organic veggie seedlings we'd love to give to you, yep for FREE!!! Why??? hmmm, because everyone deserves to know what freshly home grown veggies taste like in their lives :) These seedlings were obtained through the Master Gardener's Common Ground program.

Here's the catch!

You must be a Los Angeles County Resident :)
Make me smile ;) Send some photos of what you guys are growing :). It doesn't matter if it's one potted non-edible plant or a landscaped edible garden. I simply enjoy seeing what others are growing :)

Contact me if you're interested :)

Sending lots of love, positivity & peace,

Milli :)

Already planning spring/summer sowing

-- Post From the Field

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 4: So far 50% self sustainable...

The sugar snap pea and the rest of his juicy family that satisfied our palates on New Years day...

Tip: The more you pick the more flowers & peas the vine produces...

Dinner ~ Stir fried home grown veggies & tofu that had been sitting in the fridge while we were out of town.

Several hand bunches of mixed lettuces with several fresh herbs, such as basil, garlic chives, cilantro, parsley, and papalo accompanied by Bragg's Liquid Aminos and a squirt of lemon went great with lunch & dinner January 2nd.

Tip: Harvest leaves, not the entire head for continuous harvest. If leaves taste bitter, try letting them sit in water for several minutes after harvesting. That usually releases the bitterness from the leaves.

Jan. 3rd. Breakfast we had oranges from Hillside Co-op Produce. Lunch ~ Bowl of lentils with salad. Dinner ~ Quinoa Angel Hair Pasta, meatless-balls, and greens from the garden.

Jan. 4th. Breakfast ~ Tiny delicious apple... yum, nothing like the taste of 2min. old apple!
Lunch ~ Huge green salad, garbanzo beans, leftover yellow split peas.
Snack ~ Cocao shake with spirulina, dates, shredded coconut, kelp powder, flax seed powder, parsley powder, alfafa powder, dried pineapple, and frozen mango.
Supper ~ Huge green salad and crunchy veggie lasagna.
Confident we'll make it through the month without breaking our pledge!!!

:) Milli :)

Our 2010 sustainability goal

Peace & happy New Year. May your life be full of positive experiences & prosperity. We feel very prosperous with how our garden is. Even though there's constant battles with natures small garden nemesis like aphids and nematode and the large, havoc bearing garden enemies like raccoons & grub digging opossums, we still have much success. Sometimes when we're in the garden, our attention is only focused on what's not doing as well as it could. Sometimes we don't see how great the garden really is doing. When we look at photos of the garden, we're as stunned and impressed as anyone else would be seeing them for the first time.

Here we are in January and we are eating apples (of course little, but man, so good) some cherry tomatoes, still harvesting habaneros, eating the first of the snap peas right on the spot (they don't make out of the garden), so much lettuce & sorrel, and the kale... we really have food in our backyard. So we came up with the idea of emulating our eating as if we lived 100 miles from town. Eating will mean really depending on our garden. Buying mostly whole & bulk foods, nuts and items like olive oil, liquid aminos (stuff to prepare the food) from the store. We're only going to the store 1 day a month for food with $250. Everything else we eat is from the garden or trade. This month, we're only eating what we have left in the house. Even though it's the 4th of January, we started on the 1st. I wanted to break the concept down to you before we started logging in our progress. We will be taking daily accounts of the garden and how much time we're out there, what we harvest, and what/ how we eat.
Here we go, enjoy the tribulations.
From the studio, Bingwa