Sunday, November 8, 2009

Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program for Los Angeles

Yvonne Savio & Milli Macen-Moore
3rd Annual Gathering of Community Gardens, Oct. 24-25, 2009

UC Cooperative Extension Los Angeles County, Common Ground Garden Program

Becoming a Master Gardener has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in life. Empowering others on how to grow and supplement their food, is simply an honor.


Our Mission...

The Common Ground garden Program helps Los Angeles County residents to garden, grow their food, and healthfully prepare it. Our targeted audience and priority are to serve limited-resource residents and those traditionally underrepresented.

By training community volunteers, we empower neighborhoods to create their own solutions.

The details:

You will attend 13 Saturdays from 9-4pm in Spring (March, April, and May). You'll have the opportunity to meet and surround yourself with like hearted and minded people. Lessons will be taught by scientist, community gardeners, horticulturists, sustainable landscapers, and fellow Master Gardeners. Plus you'll have the opportunity to visit many gardens.

If you're interested in applying for 2010 Master Gardener program, I suggest you join Yvonne Savio's elist (send an email to: asking to be added either "Community Gardening & Food Security - LA County residents", "School Gardening - LA County residents." Everyone on the elist will automatically receive the November email announcement of the Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program.

Major criteria for acceptance include previous community service (not necessarily in gardening), passion to help low-income county residents grow and eat more nutritious vegetables, and initiative to network, establish and conduct projects.

So there you have it, don't forget to check out the UC Cooperative Extension Common Ground website for more details... Hope to be seeing you in the 2010 Master Gardener class!

Up next... what's up with the garden???


Anarchy in the Garden said...

The Master Gardener table was buzzing that day. Yvonne is the rock star of gardening!


peaceful petal said...

Yvonne ROCKS!!! I adore her!